Advantages of gift cards

Gift card vs. Gift voucher

The rise and popularity of gift cards is striking and can be called a new trend. Research has shown that three out of ten Dutch people have seen such a card and half of those people has received one as a gift or given one as a gift. The larger part of the customers indicate that they like the gift card more. They think it is more fun, more user friendly and handy.

The gift card has many advantages in comparison to the old-fashioned gift voucher. Just look at the fact that a gift voucher already has a certain value and is sensitive to theft. With a gift card you won’t have to worry about secured transport, secured storage and fear for theft. Problems concerning the distribution and stock are problems from the past. You will save distribution-, storage-, and insurance costs. The gift card is only activated at the moment it is purchased.


Because of the creditcard size the card is put into the purse quicker and is also spent more quickly. The person who gives the card can determine the value of the card and the person who receives it doesn’t have to spend it in one go. One card generates more visits which will strengthen the customer-relationship.

Cards Unlimited is the ideal partner in the area of gift cards. Years of experience in the area of cards has lead to us successfully introducing (gift)cards into the market for many large (international)franchise organizations and also for small entrepreneurs.

Our advisers would like to make an appointment with you to look at how the gift card is going to give your organization an explosive income growth.

10 advantages:

  • Easy to implement into existing cash register systems
  • Quick loading of money on and of the card at the cash register
  • No fixed amount, the customer decides the amount, looking at the average this is higher than the traditional gift voucher
  • The receiver can spend the whole amount
  • It strengthens customer-relationship, high interest
  • No secured storage is needed, insensitive to fraud
  • More traffic and income, one gift card results in more visits to the store
  • The credit card size is more practical than the gift voucher and therefore gets spent more quickly
  • Gift card is cheaper than a gift voucher
  • Beautiful packing options



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